Quality and Production Management
Wydział Zarządzania
Politechnika Częstochowska
al. Armii Krajowej 19 B 42-200 Częstochowa
34 32 50 395, 34 36 13 876 dziekan@wz.pcz.pl
Strona wydziału: https://wz.pcz.pl/
Strona rekrutacji: https://rekrutacja.pcz.pl/pl/offer/registration-select/?next=/pl/offer/registration/
34 32 50 395, 34 36 13 876 dziekan@wz.pcz.pl
Strona wydziału: https://wz.pcz.pl/
Strona rekrutacji: https://rekrutacja.pcz.pl/pl/offer/registration-select/?next=/pl/offer/registration/
studia pierwszego stopniaTryb
studia stacjonarneJęzyk w jakim prowadzone są zajęcia
angielskiPerspektywy zawodowe
You have a very large selection of possible places to work. Specialists in the field of quality and production management are looked for by every enterprise. You can work for example in all types of enterprises (both production and service – micro, small, medium or large, in production and quality departments), in your own company, in design, research and consulting units dealing with production and quality engineering, in business and administrative units that require technical, economic and IT knowledge as well as organizational skills.